FlyTheWorld winter event FAQ
Check out our Discord server and select your team role at the “Role-Selection” chanel!
Jobs for MPL/ATPL will spawn at various times.
These jobs are dependend on enough supply runs by smaller planes.
Example : 10 Supply Crates will fill up 1 747 .
You will recieve pings on our discord, once the jobs are ready.
Check out the team discord chanels and get in touch with others.
Every team has their own page, with informations where you can fly.
Overall it is pretty simple !
Just rent a plane at a location, where event-jobs are spawning, and chug them into your plane.
At the delivering airports of your team are special system jobs (job planning – enter icao), they all want to arrive at your hub.
Fly as much as you want and can to collect passengers and cargo for the second part of the bet.
That will then be made with the airline routesystem, as soon as enough load has arrived.
To get back to the satellites, just search the job planning at your hub for jobs. All of them lead to the event airports.