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Known Issues


YAACARS "hangs" after some seconds (2019-01-16)

If you encounter any hanging/unresonsiveness issues with YAACARS, try to:

  • disable Windows “Gaming Mode”
  • NOT run it from “c:\Program Files” or similar windows-managed locations
  • run it with administrator privs
  • run it with legacy support for “Windows XP” or “Windows Vista”


PMDG 737NGX (2018-12-21)

It seems that this aircraft uses internal fuel tanks. Only default LEFT MAIN and RIGHT MAIN are used and visible to YAACARS

Might still be a bug - didn't investigated further. Found on the web: Acoording to this document, the 737 has LM/C/RM tanks, but also it's own datarefs to read the tanks …


JAR Airbus A320

  • Fuel can only be loaded with Fuel Truck connected
  • Payload can not be applied (as far as we tried)
yaacars/knownissues.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/11 21:15 (external edit)